I think the "old" Ivala RP is fake and the "new" Hester RP is Ivala's.
I figure Lilith will be dealt with soon, but unless she's throwing a world-destroying tantrum over losing Mestan, then I figure she will be sympathetic towards Simon, at least in comparison to the Anak or Hester. Either recruitable or will provide some assistance towards the end.
Magekillers will probably pop up in a random sidequest, their progression so far had been to fight them with an increasingly less combat apt team for every iteration, and we haven't seen them since Chapter 3. Considering the absolute insane power growth we've had since then, I expect none of the usual combat characters to be available, I suspect we will fight them again with orcs and/or characters that don't usually do combat (Sho, Wynn, maybe Iris).
I always was suspicious Antarion was gonna get some kind of minor power boost to at least make him some kind of threat (Fucklord shard fragment, Tanurak boosting him for the lulz) but since both of those are out of the window, I expect him to at most do something stupid like challenging Kalant for a duel and cause some kind of minor issue during the final side-quest for the Ardan nobility. Hard to say at what power level Kalant is supposed to be, maybe he makes for a decent fight since despite everything terrible about him, Antarion is a good duelist.
I expect Ulrissa to either do nothing or at most share some kind of knowledge that could help us for the final battle. I don't really know if she's interested in trying to interfere further now that Tanurak is gone, but maybe she's sympathetic enough to Simon to at least give a final help before dissapearing into her nook of the Tower again.