Hello! Glad to see you made it back here. 😃
The OEA home page is here: https://thelastsovereign.miraheze.org/wiki/Once_Ever_After.
If you were thinking of adding information like what we have for Desecration of Wings, that could be cool. DoW's home page is here: https://thelastsovereign.miraheze.org/wiki/Desecration_of_Wings.
I'm less inclined to write things for characters, plot, and lore, but I'm happy to help out if you need it. I'm not super active on the forums but I'll follow this thread. I'm very active in the Discord server if you end up joining us there as well: https://discord.gg/jKMncKyTZ7.
Tell me what you're thinking and maybe we can work something out. If anyone else is interested and willing to help, please feel free to say something.