Differences between 0.58.1 and 0.58.2 (I may have missed things that weren't in the event dump comparison):
Nullshroom removes Sexbind.
Nyst fight: He loses 3000 HP instead of 1000 at the start of battle, with high enough IW_Nyst score. High enough is 9 or 8, depending on whether you have the "weak" version of the Nyst fight. 7 or 6 still removes 1000 HP.
Huge Mana Potion in Pseudodaemonia replaced with Fire Leaves (restores 250 MP instead of 500 MP).
50 Sx in southwest corner of Verdant Clearing (not Scorched Clearing, so you must kill Fuzkao before Incubus Prison).
50 Sx in southeast corner of Gentle Path, by a butte.
Fuzkao drops Flashfire Armor.
Spike Tent renamed Tent of Stabbiness.
Shortcut crystals vanish after getting Incubus King Sword.
ONLY if you took one of the shortcut items:
50 Sx immediately accessible in Flickering Path, along the west side.
100 Sx immediately accessible in crossroads of Tynaburg.
100 Sx immediately accessible on the pink carpet in Castle Vera.
100 Sx immediately accessible before the path split in Outskirts.
100 Sx immediately accessible on the east side of Demonic Entrance.
100 Sx in the green northeast room of Elemental Vortex.