I have doubt on what is the best way to proceed in:
Wendis body
I have all required components and research and I have 20 abysal gem + 2 I can get in chapter 5 (I lost 1 because I didn't allow ginasta to stay, "allow to stay" was the better option?); with 22 abyssal gems is safe to proceed?
I have 4,217,000 ProN. (already bought headquarter furniture and invested in succubi bar and 100k bribe for hermit, and all erosians investments during erosian war)
I have planned this:
ancient ruin (2 Mil)+ erosian trader (100k) + erosian agriculture (250k) + eustrin guild (800k) + eustrin embassy (400k) + farm for poor (350k) + 1 of (denmiel archives, theltiar flowhouse, clean up fucklord corruption).
What do you thing?
ferhom restoration costs too much now; other than those i have these investments left from chapter 4: ivalan bank; theltiar rental, imp office, givini magic guild.
at whom should I give the farm and the mine? I gave mine to slum.
last thing there is another round of investment before i reach the end (for now) of the game?