God, this update scare me gameplay wise. We got trolled lul, New Givini wasn't the best place to send those things.
And I like that.
Absolutely no way it was Alonon, he gave an ingredient for Wendis' body after all, the question is, does Simon believe it or believe the idea of it? There must be a reason why he was named by Tanurak. Gun of Chekhnov and all that good culture.
It surprise me a bit that Wendis did not go reeeeeee where's my husbando reeee.
Quirriff At first I thought it was a unique thing, either Simon being there allowed Ivala to flex some magic muscles on Kallant in some capacity, or the Church decided to say 'You can choose to quit, that's your choice', with the revelation that the Church Mastermind is against Fate it would make a bit of sense that they would respect that kind of choice, as hypocrital as that would make them. You can't always not be an hypocrite, that's life.
You had that one Chosen you had to chase who went 'Fuck Ivala, I'm going back to the farm', if he does actually survive anyways afterward. Nonetheless this one paint a funny picture of a chosen being let got of his duties with 'Fuck your god'.
I recently replayed the 'A cold light, A terrible warmth, A peaceful gray' part from Ginasta again, and wondered if she wasn't just off the mark, for a change, A cold light/and peaceful gray being death or total control over everything, and Simon's Terrible Warmth being an eventual betterment of things, society, world, and universal, that will lead to a collapse of things, not now, but some day. Something something our Society.
If nothing change the world can't end, but if something change, the world can end, and the world don't like that, if the world go like that, a cold like and peaceful gray might not be possible anymore, explaining why it would see that as a menace, if not more than the other two. Maybe the world see him as worse.Then again, as Simon said, it's better than standing aside and doing nothing.