Cazador Maybe the name of the "Ivala" variable is a red herring, like the name of stuff related to the mysterious little girl, and it's not actually related to Ivala?
Fulminato Cazador it's increased with some action favorable to the church of ivala. like fund the mission of succubus ivalan priestess in rodak (if you aren't in new religion scenario). so don't think will be something totaly unrelate to ivala.
Draz0000 Noticed that I'm missing Ginasta, Neranda, and Sabitha from my harem ledger thing, not sure why when I'm pretty sure I remember having scenes of them joining. Anyone know how to fix this / what the name of the flag is to put them in the ledger?
Fulminato Draz0000 it's a bug in the early version of ginasta rescue section. the only fix i know is replay from the talk with ginasta after the node battle.
Cazador bigfan I guess Simon will wait for her to regain some of her mind before getting her to join officially or something. Alternatively, there's no real gameplay section after she joins so SL may have thought "whatever I'll add her later". It's also possible that she won't join the harem at all, although I don't see it as likely.
Fulminato bigfan ginasta e sabitha took a couple o update to be listed in yarra's harem panel. wait at least for the open world segment after the next update before making any speculation...