- This forum may discuss any works by the developer of The Last Sovereign, Sierra Lee. However, any other names Sierra Lee may use, and any work published under other names, should not be mentioned.
- Reviving old discussions is okay if it's topical. Try to find existing discussions first, to see if your post fits in an existing thread or if your question is already answered. But don't be afraid to start a new thread if needed.
- If you make a new thread, title it something descriptive and specific, not something generic and vague like 'question" or "request".
- Be civil. Don't flame or harass. If debating, criticize the ideas and not the person behind them. If you feel someone is being offensive, your first response should be to give benefit of the doubt and deescalate, or report them without engaging. Click the "..." menu and then the "Flag" option to report a post for moderator review.
- Be patient with newbies and those whose first language is not English.
- Post in English. Try to post in clear and correct English, because that is easier for everyone to understand, including fans who don't speak English well. Don't post in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, don't Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word, and don't go crazy with text formatting.
- It's discouraged to post images consisting only of text - just quote the text.
By the way, you can make collapsible/spoiler text like so:
[details title="click to see hidden text"]this text will be hidden[/details]
which results in:
click to see hidden text