I'm not Fulminato or any other great dataminers out there but I'm going to try my hand into detailing the mechanics of Vhala Task (and the mini-quest):
There are three variables to track:
- Vhala Points (VP): you need >=99 for the best reward, >=75 for RPs gains & other scores
- Vhala Support (VS): it quantifies the amount of support OUTSIDE of Arclent. >=7 for +2 VP (that means getting all the powers to help, it requires at least 1 Influence)
- Vhala Nations (VC): it quantifies the amount of support INSIDE of Arclent. >= 10 for +3 VP. Each country that adds the help to the Task increase the VC in 1.
- Vhala Influence: can be used to increase the country score of any nation (10 or 5 points usually, depending of the country). Maximum value: 4 on the good path (It requires to spend 500,000 ProN to get help from Megail):
+2 if Reputation Survived ON or +1 otherwise.
You need to have at least 2 of the following conditions: Economy >120, Social> 80 and Religion >50 for +1 Influence or 0 Influence otherwise.
Mercy path: in function in how many investments you have missed (a long, long list), as they weighted by ProN spend on them. As less money is spend more Vhala influence that can be accrued. (from 1 to 5).
You get VP by getting support from the various nations around the planet and other actions. The amount of support depends in most cases of the score of each country, but other factors that can help as well:
Yhilin: you can increase Yhilin score (+5) by using Vhala Influence (-1). Only required if Yhilin Score is <50.
- if Yhilin Final is On and Yhilin Score>=50, you get the maximum VP= +5
- Yhilin Score>=35, VP= +3
Mythin help: she lends a little help (+1 VP) if her RPs are >=90.
Tak'kan: using Vhala influence get +10 Tak'Kan score
- Tak'Kan score >= 120: VP=+7
- Tak'Kan score >= 110: VP=+6
- Tak'Kan score >= 100: VP=+5
- Tak'Kan score >= 75: VP=+4
- Tak'Kan score >= 50: VP=+3
Chalice States: using Vhala influence get +10 Chalice States score.
- Chalice States score >= 110: VP=+8
- Chalice States score >= 100: VP=+7
- Chalice States score >= 90: VP=+6
- Chalice States score >= 80: VP=+5
- Chalice States score >= 70: VP=+4
- Chalice States score >= 60: VP=+3
Yelarel & Holy Succubus Knights. You can get 1-6 VPs in function of the kind of Church that emerges from Gawnfall, if the order was accepted and if you have funded the Holy Succubus Knights or not. Talking with her in the Helvanna Cathedral, Yelarel asks for a decision regarding which country should the Holy Knights collaborate with:
- Orgasmic Empire: +2 OE if funded, +1 if not
- Ghenalon: +3 Ghenalon if funded, +1 if not
- Rodak: +2 Rodak if funded, +1 if not
Regarding VPs:
- Succubi Accepted: You get +1 VPs (if the Order is accepted) plus +2 VPs for funding the Order
- Succubi Rejected: 0 VPs.
- Church Diverged: 2 VPs (if the Order is accepted) plus +2 VPs for funding the Order
- New Religion: 3 VPs (if the Order is accepted) plus +2 VPs for funding the Order. If Simon bless them (check this: when happens, it's not present at the wiki right now): +3 VPs
New Givini: using Vhala influence get +10 New Givini score
- New Givini score >= 90: VP=+7
- New Givini score >= 80: VP=+6
- New Givini score >= 70: VP=+5
- New Givini score >= 60: VP=+4
- New Givini score >= 50: VP=+3
Once you have included these three countries in the project, interact with the star that appears near the center of them to get a improved version of Sanctity Plate: Pure Sanctity Plate.
Eustrin: if you have reached Eustrin Final, getting them on board gives +3 VP. If you haven't, you get a Push from (Vhala Eustrin ON) to reach Eustrin Final plus +5 Eustrin score.
- if its country score is >=30, you get +3 VP,
- if it's >=25, you can spend Vhala influence to get +5 Darghelon score
Ghalderon: you can get +2 VP (+1 Gheldaron, +2 RP Orilise and +2 RP Lynine) by doing an optional fight in Denemiel (near the Mother's priestess)
- if its country score is >=30, you get +3 VP,
- if it's >=25, you can spend Vhala influence to get +5 Darghelon score
Grynyth's influence: you can accept her help, but be aware that it detracts numbers and increase country scores. There three choices:
- Work through Darghelon: -2 VP, +2 Darghelon, +1 Ghalderon
- Work through Ghalderon: -2 VP, +2 Ghalderon, +1 Darghelon
- Work through both: -4 VP, +2 Darghelon, +2 Ghalderon
Aram: if Sabitha didn't avoid the rape scene during the IW Aftermath, you can get 2 VP by interacting with the symbol below Palina. Otherwise, you get 1 VP. Using Vhala influence get +10 Aram score.
- Aram score >= 50: VP=+6
- Aram score >= 45: VP=+5
- Aram score >= 40: VP=+4
Zirantia: in the Palace, there are two events. The common one can be found in Allue & Alluon former room. It gives +1 VP, +1 Zirantia score and +2 RP with Uyae. The other has two variants in function who to chose to support during the first visit:
- OZL: regardless of of Zirantia's score you get +2VP and +2 Zirantia
- NUP: more nuanced if you have done NUP Investment and your Zirantian score is >= 50-> +3 VP; with the NUP investment done and a Zirantia score between 25-49-> +2 VP; with investment completed and a score <25 +1VP.
In the projection room:
- Zirantian score >= 60: VP=+5 VP
- Zirantian score >= 50: VP=+3 VP
- Zirantian score >= 40: VP=+1 VP
There is also some dialogue based in your Zirantian score with variations at >=80, >=70 or <70. No mechanical effects, though (checked in 0.73.2 version).
Uyae's help: she helps with the score of one of these countries:
- New Givini: +5 score
- Darghelon: +2 score
- Zirantia: +2 score
- Ardan score >= 80: VP=+6 VP
- Ardan score >= 70: VP=+5 VP
- Ardan score >= 60: VP=+3 VP
Rodak: Vhala Influence adds 10 to Rodak's score.
- Rodakan score >= 70: VP=+5 VP
- Rodakan score >= 60: VP=+4 VP
- Rodakan score >= 50: VP=+3 VP
Ghenalon: Vhala Influence adds 5 to Ghenalon's score.
- Ghenalese score >=45: VP=+6 VP
- Ghenalese score >=30: VP=+3 VP
- Ghenalese score < 30: VP=+1 VP
Erosia: if the country score is >= 50 +3 VP. You can spend influence to increase the score in 5, when >= 45.
Tatseni: if the country score is >= 15 +2 VP. You can spend influence to increase the score in 5, when >= 10.
Stenai: if the country score is >= 20 +2 VP. You can spend influence to increase the score in 5, when >= 15.
Orgasmic Empire:
- OE score >= 50: VP=+5
- OE score >= 40: VP=+4
- OE score >= 30: VP=+3
Philon: you can only get help from this country by spending influence (+2 VP, +2 OE score and +2 Xestris)
Headquarters: a little help from Riala (+1 VP, switch 2587 set to ON: Dari's transformation)
Fights: each fight gives +2 VP
- Rodak: Throne of Lust (recommended non succubi party; 9999 EXP)
- Ghenalon: Mace of illusions (Vhala's Arrow of Lust, +2 Fhefiel; 9,999 EXP)
- Orgasmic Empire (Fighting Ring): succubi only (+2 Esthera, +2 Nalili, 5705 EXP & 960 Sx)
- Gheldaron (near the Mother's priestess): succubi only (requires immunity against Sexbind; +1 Gheldaron, +2 RPs Lynine & Orilise 9,999 EXP)
- VPs >= 85: Crest of Nations (key item, no known benefits so far)
- VPs >= 60: Shining Sword
- VPs >= 50: Holy Draught
- VPs >= 40: Sexual Robe
- VPs >= 30: Pureflower
- VPs >= 20: Anti-Sexual Robe
- VPs >= 10: Holy Draught
Crystal of Stability when the project is concluded.
The SS from this quest is the 50th present in the game. The New Religion and Church Diverge both have option to get the 51th. In any cases the 10th item gotten from consuming the swords is The Dim Sword (a potent weapon exclusive for Simon).
RPs & HS:
- VPs >= 75: Vhala (+4), Dari (+8), Carina (+4), Sarai (+4); Iv. Acceptance (+2), Religion (+5), Social (+3)
- VPs >= 60: Vhala (+3), Dari (+5), Carina (+3), Sarai (+3); Iv. Acceptance (+1), Religion (+3), Social (+2)
- VPs >= 50: Vhala (+2), Dari (+3), Carina (+2), Sarai (+2); Religion (+1), Social (+1)
- VPs < 50: Vhala (+1); Iv. Acceptance (-1), Religion (-2), Social (+1)
More portraits added: transformed Robin both forms of Sabitha and mourning Zelica.
Known bugs (0.73.2): this version gives 2 Crystals of Stability
EDIT1: Added the Holy Knights Event (1-8 VPs).
EDIT2: added most of changes of the 0.73.2 update. There is an additional VP missing yet.