Calculator 0.17.0 [temp release]
Added Nalili Quest. @Grim8P asked a functioning nalili quest, so i'm doing this half release with that.
work are progressing an acceptable rate in the previous weeks, i hope to keep that pace.
v0.16.1 Added Dari quest and Ardoheim Succession Crisis part 2. the state of the calculator isn't changed from the previous release, so there is a lot of works to do to bring it to a decent level of polishing. but the global feel was to have a release a fast as possible, so it's here. for the 0.68.* content: varia and nalili quest will take some time, expecially for nalili, i'm reusing the "engine" for the wynn quest with a couple of assumption to don't excalate the complexyty of the code without reasons (the repetable lessons will be added at the start of the quest or i need to build like 50 numeric field for each activity to let you take any activity it any order you want, eg: 2 day of social training, go to office and doing the admin boost, go for other 2 social training then 2 knowledge training, go for 1 sex training, then do other 2 knowledge training and then other 3 social)
it will take significative time to write everything, and if i can i want clean a bit the mess it's the calculator
Updated the Calculator with the 0.66.2 content and fixed reported bugs. I cutted corner, a lot of them, the "skipped" version isn't update and there are some quick shortcut in the code to make it works "good enough" for the moment, but need some reworks. Uyae quest expecially, i discover later the need to replicate the "engine" for wynn quest for it, but for the moment should works as intended. some edge cases for the ability to set zirantia slum option can be wrong, but heavy testing of that part it's pointless because will rewrite the code from scratch. I'm still in the process to purge all the joke rp gain by "ivala" from the calculator, check for match with the true ivala rp score and ignore the joke one.
- Add Dari Quest
- Add Ardoheim Succession Crisis Part 2
- Add Button to Collapse all the Sections
- Add a Select for Quick Jump to specific Sections
- Add Janine Quest
- Add Carina Quest
- Add Uyae Quest
- Add Balia Quest
- Add Altina Quest
- Add Yarra Quest
- Add Wendis Quest
- Add Ginasta Quest
- Add Lilith Recruitment
- Add Trin Quest
- Added Philon Questline
- Updated Simon Recovery calculation
full change log below
Open Post:
The Tool is developed with the goal of being an all-inclusive hidden stats calculator, helping to keep track of all decision/hidden stats for tailoring the 'best' outcome one want for his playthrough. Near all the possibility are implemented, event the suboptimal one [for now there are very few exceptions for some technical problems in the implementation]. any activity without effect in the hidden stats or changing options in the future are omitted (a notable example is the "rick's Familiy" quest) or the extra loot you can obtain from various chests. The tool is still in beta because I don't think is the right shape for a '1.0' release, but all the feature are implemented and working (well, aside for the bugs), the tool lack some polishing (for example, remove Altina RP stamp if she isn't a party member), and there are some 'extra' feature can be implemented, but I am not sure if the gain is enough to compensate the extra works, for example a list for trin copied people and the list of investment at the end of each section. the tool features an option panel with some customization, show or hide the 'result box' for each section, the option to hide each RP values o countrry scores, and the ability to choose between two 'version' for any chapter, the full version is, well, more verbose, but implement a full set of constraining in the thing can be or cannot be done in the game, the 'skipped' version [any advice for a better name is appreciated] try to reduce the number of inputs to the minimum, the two versions are the same in regard of choice and calculation. The skipped version allow 'cheating' some global currency like discretionary funds, personal discrectionary funds, ProN, Trin Copies and Sarai Synod influence. The calculator is an HTML page with JavaScript to handling all the works. It doesn't need any internet connection, external library or extra feature, the code is still crude, and my JS coding skill isn't great, any advice to improve the tool is really appreciated.
Change Log v0.16.0
- Add Janine Quest
- Add Carina Quest
- Add Uyae Quest
- Add Balia Quest
- Add Altina Quest
- Add Yarra Quest
- Add Wendis Quest
- Add Ginasta Quest
- Add Lilith Recruitment
- Add Trin Quest
- Added Philon Questline
- Updated Simon Recovery calculation
Change Log v0.15.3:
- add qum quest
- fixed in wynn quest accuracy gain for stineford succubus tower
- add lamia talk in gasm fall for simon recovery
- add orcent philonese bar talk
- add simon full recovery with mithyn and ivala joining
Change Log v0.15.2:
- removed the possibility to advance iris' quest in orgasmic emporium during the second gathering
- fixed the miscalculation in ardford influence durign IW aftermath tied to interrogate the priestess but not copy her during succession crisis
- fixed the problem with pay 10K pron for resettling the succubus threesome in orgasmic cafe
- fix the problem in zirantia section of IW aftermat if you order the fleet to keep order
- fix swapped zirantia country score gain for slum remodeling (nup/ozl)
- fix incorrect room for mother guard in elf palace during incubus war aftermath
- Add the talking with the succubus trio in simon route a requisite for interaction with them post second gathering
Change Log v0.15.1:
- Fixed ProN Return in Chapter 5 first iteration
- Add key item incubus sword in the chapter 5 third iteration and full game infobox
v0.15.0 Change Log:
- Added Third Chapter 5 iteration with all the common activity with the previous iteration
- Added Wynn's Harem Quest [during the testing phase deselect only the last action or the calculator will beheave weird
- Added Simon Recovery opportunity, full recovery not implemented yet
- Add a Total ProN Gained for Chapter and for Full game in the expected return and end report info box
v0.14.2 Change Log:
- Fix a bad id in ginasta bonus rp calculation in erosia prelude section
- add the explicit new givini country score used in retunr calculation for givini orc merchant pron return in the return line.
v0.14.1 Change Log:
- add missing shining sword in tower knot
- fix an id in girl talk feedback in rp calculation
v0.14.0 Changelog:
- Added Incubus War Aftermath
- Add at the end of Each Section the List of the Maxable/Lockable Girls in that Section.
- Moved the Uyae-Orcent Bar Chat Chapter 4 Second Iteration to Chapter 4 First Iteration
- Add Succubus Tower Bar Talk in Chapter 5 First Iteration
- Added Totally Normal Little Girl Talk in the Relevant Section for Rp Calculation in the Last Section (Post Succession Crisis, Post Xestris Evaluation, Erosia Prelude Setup and Post Erosia Prelude)
- Added Full Tooltips and Math to the Erosian Prelude and Stenai Trip. [Sections Update Pending: Synod, Erosia Invasion and Return to Stineford]
- Remove the Possibility to Talk with Iris in the Orgasmic Empire Emporium During the Gathering if Already Completed Her Quest Before Start the Gathering
Full Changelog: