Sup Flarum.
Now that Sierra has revealed the roadmap for the final parts of the game, we now know for sure which characters still will have quests added:
Altina, Dari, Janine, Lynine, Megail, Nalili, Orilise, Riala, Robin, Sarai, Trin, Varia, Wendis and Yarra. Potentionally also Orcent and Vhala
And I thought it would be pretty fun to do some predictions about what those quests will be centered around, so we can laugh at ourselves when it turns out we were painfully wrong, or flex our formidable foresight muscle, if we somehow get it right. Here are some of mine:
I think Robins' quest will be centered around improving her Arcane Crystal, since she lamented it's imperfections, when she originally crafted it. Her quest might be centered around Robin proving to herself just how far she has come to herself.
Janine might get some kind of low-stakes romantic getaway, where she and Simon don't really have anything that needs doing, besides having a nice picturesque dinner. Putting down her burdens is something she always wanted
Orilise and Lynine may well share their quest, and have it be centered around mending the Darghelon-Gheldaron divide, like they've mended their own issues with time. Maybe you help them host some kind of inter-country ceremony?
Dari might get a full-blown murder mystery, where you help her track down a criminal in an enclosed space by gathering clues. Would be a fun little time-waster.
Wendis is probably crafting Simon a new Ribbon as worthy endgame equipment, as she's already given indication that it's something she might wanna do in the future. The quest may be around gathering ingredients in The Tower
Well, there are my immediate guesses. Anyone else?