Uyae Quest:
- {Uyae Scroll} Quality 10+: Unbelievable
- Stineford keeper Tavern:
. Use tricks to attract more students: Accessibility +1
. Use tricks to attract better students: Skill +1
. Improve quality at all costs: Quality +1, Accessibility -1, Skill -1
- Givino Vinai Court:
. Neutral approach: Accessibility +1
. Confrontational approach: Quality +1, Skill -1, Accessibility -1, New Givini -2
- Order of Silence HQ:
. Mandatory OoS +10
. OoS 100+: Skill +1, Accessibility +1
. OoS 99-50: Accessibility +1 / Skill +1
. OoS 49-: Accessibility +1
Balia Quest:
- First Map Add a Orc Group [Migthy Veteran] Guarding the Chest with Mana Potion (Initial Point -2 if killed)
- Change Orc Essence Gathered Traking to Allow Use Essence gathered in the Same Cycle without the Need to Restart
- OrcSphere: Overall Boost +2 [+2 Level for the Orcs]
- Both Crystals Need Orcsphere
0.64.1 Change:
- Qum 'roleplay' scene in feroholm church (post synod) it's blocked if simon had not recevered yet
- Removed the chests in delgar cave in chapter 2
- Remove altina in post reunion orgy scene if she leave for elf ghetto during aka route (i think)
- Remove Lynine in Yhilin Govern III if elf ghetto is still destroyed
- A couple of change in hilstara dialouge leading in scene triggered in hq (massage and tittyfuck tips) is you delay them until simon not recevered yet.
- Add simon Recovery +1 if delay uyae joining post IK War Aftermath
- Add the ability to check the wendis new portrait full image in base HQ if wynn joined and gifted the portrait during the 3AW
- Enabled Ginasta Scene in hall of carnality after fucking her the first time
Balia Quest:
- After defeating the first time the group with three fragil killers it's moved allowing a single orc party reach the challenger
- Orc Respwan can be turned On or Off after finding 5 Essence
- Removed All drops from Random Orc Encounter
- Remove the game over screen from all fights
0.64.0 Content
Uyae Quest:
Uyae Scroll:
- Accessibility/Skill level:
. 20+: Unbelievable
. 15-19: Excellent
. 10-14: Good
. 7-9: Decent
. 4-6: Poor
. 5-: Very Poor
- Quality:
. 7+: Unbelievable
. 5-6: Excellent
. 2-4: Improving
. 1-: just begun to work
Start in Zirantia Plaza, Post IK War no other condition
Go in the Palace, Old Room of Divine Claw Twin Leader. Check the Drawer.
Talk with Uyae in the Plaza for Going in the Ruins
After Few Fights and a Couple of Chests:
- Accessible: Accessibility 10, Skill 5, Quality 1
- Skillful: Accessibility 5, Skill 10, Quality 1
- Balanced: Accessibility 7, Skill 7, Quality 1
feroholm merchant camp:
- Martial arts for everyone: Accessibility +1
- Elite program: skill +1
Stineford Keeper Tavern: Accessibility +1, Quality +1
Climax (Orgasmic Empire Capital):
- Increase appeal via sexual arts: Accessibility +5, Skill -1, Quality -1
- No compromises: Accessibility +1
BladeMaster Guild:
- Focus on Blademasters: Quality +1
- Focus on Unpeople: Skill +1
- Focus on everyone: Accessibility +1
Yhilin Outskirt:
- Accessibility: Accessibility +1
- Skill Level: Skill +1
- Quality: Quality +1
Theltiar (Req City not Destroyed Implicity): Accessibility +1
Ziranita Slum Plaza (req Accessibility 12+, Skill 12+):
- Accessibility: Accessibility +1
- Skill Level: Skill +1
- Quality: Quality +1
Zirantia Palace (req Quality 5+)
- Accessibility: Accessibility +1
- Skill Level: Skill +1
- Eustrin Final Off: Accessibility +1
- Eustrin Final On:
. Broad: Accessibility +1, Quality +1
. Specialized: Skill +1, Quality +1
NUP HQ (require No support): Accessibility +2, Skill -1, Quality -1
Cee'Kan (req Try Tarran'Kan):
- Accessibility: Accessibility +1, Quality +1
- Rigor: Skill +1, Quality +1
Tarran'Kan: Accessibility +1
Gasm's Fall:
- Accessibility: Accessibility +2
- Improve Skill Level: Skill +2
- Improve Both: Accessibility +1, Skill +1
Givino Vinai Court:
- Neutral approach: Accessibility +1
- Confrontation approach: Skill +1, Quality +1, New Givini -2
Leaky Bucket (Ramasta Bar, req [Aram Punitive] Off {Eustrin negotiation} implicit): Accessibility +1
Ghenalon Palace (req Fheliel Join): Quality +1
Hall of Tatseni: Skill +1
Hall of Ryoken:
- Erosia 50+: Skill +2
- Erosia 49-25: Skill +1, Erosia +2
- Erosia 24-: -
Fuckball Arena (Rodak/Denlak):
- Never: -
- Minimal adoption: Accessibility +1
- Intermediate adoption: Accessibility +2, Skill -1
- Heavy adoption: Accessibility +3, Skill -1, Quality -1
Village SE-11: Uyae +3, Xestris +1
End Req Quality 2+:
Mandatory: Simon Recovery +2
Skill 20+: Uyae: Learn "Magic Palm" and "Raw Magic Heal", +500 HP, +50 MP, ATK +5, DEF +5, MAT +5, MDF +5, AGI +5, LUK +5
Skill 19-15: Uyae: Learn "Magic Palm" and "Raw Magic Heal"
Skill 14-10:
- Damage Skill: Learn "Magic Palm"
- Healing Skill: "Raw Magic Heal"
Skill 9-: ATK +5, DEF +5, MAT +5, MDF +5, AGI +5, LUK +5
Ivala (req Give a Divine Shard to Uyae):
Quality 10+: Ultimate Divine Band (#215)
Quality 9-5: Divine Band (#214)
Quality 4-: Divine Band (#213)
Aka (req Accessibility 5+): Ferocious Flurry
Nalili (req Accessibility 10+): Martial Masturbation
Carina (req Accessibility 15+): Smite
Janine (req Accessibility 20+): Social +3, Economy +3, Ziranita +2, Ardoheim +1, Aram +1, Yhilin +1, Eustrin +1
Balia Quest:
Start in Orc Pool, Req Post IK War
Initial Point: 0
First Map:
6 Blue Flame (killing effect):
- Muscle Manifest * 2 + Bone Manifest: Initial Point +1
- Muscle Manifest * 2 + Blood Manifest: Initial Point +1
- Bone Manifest + Blood Manifest: Initial Point +1
- Might Veteran + Mana Orc: Initial Point -2
- Might Veteran * 5: Initial Point -2
- Mana Orc * 4: Initial Point -2
Kill the Red Flame (a Reality Leecher) To pass next phase
In the Second Map first convo at 10 essence, second at 20, third at 35 and last at 45. [no rp gain, just dialogue]
[i will make a map of the second dungeon soon(tm)]
Talk with Balia to Restart the Cycle, Talk with Simon to Buy Upgrade
Initial Point:
3: Overall Boost +2
2-: -
All the Bonus Are Cumulative
Balia 50+: Overall Boost +1
Balia 75+: Overall Boost +1
Balia Maxed: Overall Boost +2
Orc Diversification: Overall Boost +2
Tower Delving: Overall Boost +1
Orc Essence 10+: Overall Boost +1
Orc Essence 25+: Overall Boost +2
Orc Essence 50+: Overall Boost +2
Orcs Level increase of Overall Boost Sum
Divine Research: Helm of Purity (#601)
Incubus Research: Helm of Lust (#600)
Balia Skill Bonus: Mental Helm (#603)
Balia Equipment Bonus: Orc Warrior Armor (#604), Orc Mage Armor (#605)
Balia Orc Bonus: Great Orc Helm (#602)
Balia Sole Shield Bonus: Sole Shield (#608)
Chest Content:
- Sturdy Orc Helm (#610)
- Balia Amulet Upgrade (if you don't take the divine ressurect potion)/ Ogreish Amulet (#609) (if you take the divine ressurect potion)
- Reclaimed Orc Shield * 2 (#606)
- Advance Orc Armor (#598)
- {req Balia Shield Prep} Balia Sole Shield Bonus
- Challenger with a Single Orc: Balia Shield Prep
- DeathDealer: Essence +5
- Wall Orc: Essence +2
- Venom Orc + WhisperOrc: Essence +2
- Warmaster: Essence +2
- Orc of Iron: Essence +2
- WhisperOrc: Essence +2
- Fragil Killer * 2: Essence +2
- Burly Orc * 3: Essence +2 {protecting the armor in the chest}
- Venom Orc + Orc of Iron: Essence +2
- Group Before the Big Light: Essence +1
- Optional Fight: Essence +10 {req Essence 50+}
Black Sparks:
- [02] Essence +2
- [05] Essence +3
- [03] Essence +5
Healing Crystal unlocked at Essence 15+ one single use for iteration
Increase Level [5 Essence]: Level +5 (all the Orcs)
Skill: (After Buying all Four -> Balia Skill Bonus + Mental Helm)
- Defensive Attack [5 Essence] (#727)
- Piercing Attack [10 Essence] (#728)
- Magic Attack [7 Essence] (#729)
- Orc Heal [8 Essence] (#730)
Equip [Alwasy 4 Copies of that item] (After Buying all Four -> Balia Equip Bonus + Orc Warrior Armor + Orc Mage Armor)
- Advance Orc Balde [10 Essence] (#366)
- Advance Orc Staves [4 Essence] (#367)
- Advance Orc Armor [6 Essence] (#597)
- Orchis Amuler [5 Essence] (#599)/(#609) {Balia Amulet Upgrade No/Yes}
New Orc For the Team [10 Essence] (After Buying all Three -> Balia Orc Bonus + Grat Orc Helm)
2nd named Orcton, 3rd named Orcford, 4th named Orcroft
They are all created a Orc Pure Level -1
Orc Pure:
- Level 25: Aggressive Attack (#726)
- Level 40: Orc Lance (#731)
- Level 20: Aggressive Attack (#726)
- Level 30: Impale (#732)
- Level 25: Aggressive Attack (#726)
- Level 30: Orc Storm (#732)
- Level 20: Aggressive Attack (#726)
- Level 30: Poison Cutter (#734)
Interact with the Big Light to End the Quest:
Mandatory: Simon Recovery +2
Balia Final Point = Orc Essence
Initial Point 3: Balia Final Point +5
Initial Point 2-0: Balia Final Point +2
Balia Maxed: Balia Final Point + 5
Balia Skill Bonus: Balia Final Point +4
Balia Equipment Bonus: Balia Final Point +4
Balia Orc Bonus: Balia Final Point +4
Balia Sole Shiled Bonus: Balia Final Point +8
The Variable Not Used yet.
Ginasta Quest:
Talk with Ginasta in the Last Outpost
- Interact with the Tree -> Rock North East -> Pool in the Shop -> Plate Right in the Bar -> Bottom Row, Third Mushroom for the Left: Ginasta +2
- Old Lady in the Shop: Ginasta Progress +1
- Orcent in the Bar (req Ginasta Progress 1+): Ginasta Progress +1
- Summon Ivala (req Ginasta Progress 1+): Ginasta Progress +1
End Talk with Ginasta with Ginasta Progress 3: Ginasta Primmed, Ginasta +5
Talk with Ginasta at the Base: +500 HP, +100 MP, ATK +10, DEF +10, MAT +10, MDF +10, AGI +10 LUK +10, Simon Recovery +2
End the Quest Unlock Her scene
RP 60+: Harem
RP 80+: Roleplay
RP 99+: Intimate
Ginasta scene, first time you do she gain a little buff
First (harem): ATK +10, MAT +10, LUK +10
Secon (roleplay):
. Pisycal: +500 HP, ATK +20, DEF +20, LUK +10
. Magical: +100 MP, MAT +20, MDF +20, LUK +10
. Balance: ATK +10, DEF +10, MAT+10, MDF +10, AGI +10, LUK +10
Third (intimate): ATK +10, MAT+10, AGI +10, LUK +10
Other Things:
Removed From the First Chapter 4 ProN Return (megail in blue rose):
- Yhilin Brothel Reform (the chapter 4 one)
- Yhilin Airship
- Trading Pillar Right
- Stineford Bank
- Stineford Weapons Store
Investment Don't Appear Before Pick up Megail in Chapter 4 First Iteration:
- Lynine in the Flow House
- Orilise in the Denmiel Archive
Add to Hall of Mortality (after joining): Fheliel, Neranda (Both RP +10)
HO Courtyard (req Carina Learn Skill in Uyae Dojo, Uyae rp 100+, Carina rp 100+): Channeled Smite